
불가항력 조항 (Force Majeure)

이종호 뉴욕주 변호사 자격 2020. 8. 20. 10:49

불가항력 조항 알아보기!

1. 불가항력  조항이란? Force Majeure. (불가항력)

- 불가항력 조항은 당사자가 통제할 없는 상황의 경우 계약 이행 의무가 발생하지 않는 경우 입니다.

미국판례에서는 일반적인 가격인상 상대방에게 부담이 가중되었더라도 계약 당사자간에 불가항력으로 인정하지 않으려는 경향이 높습니다. *참조: An Indiana court determined that contract liability is strict liability and the obligor is therefore liable in damages for breach of contract even if he is without fault, even if circumstances have made the contract more burdensome or less desirable than anticipated.)


를들어, 하도급업체의 노사분규와 환율변동으로 인한 가격 상승은 불가항력에 포함되지 않을 가능성이 높습니다.  그러므로 불가항력 예시규정에 급격한 환율변동 노사분규 규정을 포함시켜 계약서를 작성하시는 것 유리합니다.


<이 문구를 넣으세요!>

(a) An unforeseen increase in production cost due to the market price increase of 5% of a critical material used in the manufacture of the Goods; and

제품 생산에 사용되는 중요재료의 시장 가격이 5%인상되어 예측할 없는 생산비의 증가

(d) A currency exchange rate fluctuation of greater than five percent (5%), reviewed on a quarterly basis.  

분기별로 검토하였을 5%이상의 갑작스러운 환율변동


2. 불가항력 조항 예시

Neither party shall be liable to the other for any alleged loss or damages resulting from failure to perform due to events and circumstances beyond the control of the non-performing party, including without limitation, acts of God, natural disasters, acts of civil or military authority, government decisions, change of law, fire, floods, epidemics, quarantine, energy crises, war or riots.  Each party shall promptly notify the other party of such event and when such party will be able to perform the requisite services or obligations.

양당사자는 통제할 없는 상황이나 문제로 인하여 계약 의무를 이행하지 못하였을 경우, 이로 인해 주장되는 손해 손해배상에 대하여 법적이 책임이 없다. 불가항력은 천재지변, 자연재해, 전쟁, 정부 결정, 법률 변경, 홍수, 화재, 전염병 확산을 방지하기 위한 격리조치, 전염병, 폭동 등을 포함한다. 당사자는 요구되는 용역 또는 의무를 이행할 있을때 즉시 상대방에게 통보하여야 한다.

*좀더 구체적인 내용을 추가하시고 싶은 분은 아래 내용을 추가하시면 됩니다. 

(추가 사항) Any delay or failure of either Party to perform its obligations hereunder shall be excused if, and to the extent that it is caused by a Force majeure Event unforeseeable at the time of the signing of this Agreement, provided that a written notice specifying, amongst other things, the anticipated duration of the delay, shall be issued by the affected party to the other Party within ten (10) days from the occurrence of the event of Force Majeure.

(Force Majeure Event 예시): For the purpose of this clause, a Force majeure Event any circumstances not within a Party’s reasonable control including, without limitation:

(a) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake, or other natural disaster;

(b) epidemic or pandemic,

(c) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, social disorder, war, threat of or preparation of war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations;

(d) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom;

(e) any law or any action taken by a government or public authority, including without limitation imposing an export or import restriction, sanction, quota or prohibition;

(f) collapse of building, fire, explosion or accident;

(g) any labor or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or loackouts;

(h) interruption or failure of utility service;

(i) collapse or suspension of credit or financial market, global financial crisis, etc.