
창업 관련 체크리스트 (Checklist)

이종호 뉴욕주 변호사 자격 2020. 8. 28. 09:45

창업 관련 체크리스트


Business trip to explore a new market – Checklist

o You know your competitor and plan to see them

o You took an appointment with actors of start-up ecosystem

o You took an appointment with possible partner

o You checked the start-up related or your sector related event in the area you’re going to

o You identified the possible obstacle to enter the foreign market and find a way to verify them on site

o You checked about and subscribed to networking event and opportunity

o You studied about local business manners and etiquette

o You have business card in English or in the local language

o You have document and PPT presentation about your company ready, in English and/or in the local language

o You identified influencers in your market and took an appointment with them

o You took an appointment with a local legal advisor

o You took an appointment with foreign entrepreneur in your target countries/market

o You learn about and visit potential location for your shop/office

o Meet prospect and ask them question




Strategies to go global - Niche to mainstream – Checklist

 Select the relevant niche

 Design a strategy to reach this niche

 Research about this niche and the markets close to it

 Prepare a strategy to cross the chasm

 Prepare a strategy to turn your niche's consumer in brand ambassador

 Design your supply chain to be able to go from niche to mainstream

 Design a scalable structure abroad to support your activity there

 Find the influencers of your niche

 Set yourself clear and relevant goal




Crowdfunding – Checklist

 Select the right amount of money

 Run a pre-launch campaign

 Create your company to facilitate the reception of money

 Consider the tax on crowdfunding fund and speak with your accountant

 Prealably optimize your social media presence

 Clearly define your goal

 Clearly define your cost

 Choose the right crowdfunding platform

 Set appealing and relevant reward tiers

 Make an appealing project introduction

 Make an appealing video to introduce your project

 Find a way to skyrocket the first 30% of your campaign

 Prepare PR

 Prepare a media agenda through your campaign



Marketing and Localization – Checklist

Are your product-related document translated? Do you need to translate your website and create a local SNS account?Is any of your product or company name can be locally misinterpreted?
Local use of similar product
Do people in this area use your product in the same way? Is there any similar product in this market? Should you try to change local use of similar product or adapt your product to this use?
Product education
Does local populationknow how to use your product? Will their lack of knowledge be a severe problem? Do you need to teach them about your product and how to use it? How?

Are your products and practices respecting local culture? Are the differences minor enough to only generate a not too costly change? How should you localize your strategy based on it? Can you use such change to generate more long-term benefit?


[이민법인 리앤율]

*주소: 서울시 중구 서소문로 116, 16층 1615호 (유원빌딩)

*허가: 외교 24-04 (해외이주알선업)

*전화번호: 02-6013-2255, 02-6402-3000

*이메일: jongholee39@gmail.com